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September 17, 2003

Still More Sofia Coppola Profiles
From the latest, we learn Sofia's top ten movies: All That Jazz, Badlands, Darling, GoodFellas, The Heartbreak Kid, Lolita (1962 or 1997?), The Piano, Safe (Me too, S!), Tootsie (Amy, too, S!) Rumble Fish (your dad, too, S!). Did she purposely leave out Adaptation or Being John Malkovich?
For the record, here are our top ten movies involving someone closely related to Sofia: Raising Arizona, Being John Malkovich, Godfather, Godfather II, Apocalypse Now, Rushmore, Rocky, Virgin Suicides, The Conversation. That's only nine? Um. Ok, how about if we take the first 2/3 of Adaptation, and then add the Chemical Brothers video she's in that Spike directed? Does that count? -adm
By the way, you might have been wondering what ever happened to my Top Ten Films of 2002 list. Well, here you go: The Hours, Adaptation, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 8 Women, Spirited Away, Far From Heaven, 24 Hour Party People, 25th Hour, and Talk To Her. In 2001, I had 11 films in the Top Ten, so this year I have 9. The 10th slot might have been filled by City of God or Chicago, but neither of them turned out to be all that good. -amy