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September 23, 2003

White Rap Revue
Aesop Rock will be performing today (Tuesday) at the Virgin Megastore at 6 pm [scroll down]. Def Jux's website sort of implies El-P and some other Jukies will be there.
So, let's take a second to look at the state of white rappers.
- Eminem. He's got it all figured out. Maybe he's doesn't have the most abstract, brain-bending lyrics, but he's got a perfect ear and narrative style. Looks like he's moving behind the boards now, which hopefully will yield some interesting projects -- but if his gift is for assonance, don't we want him to stay on the mic? Em: try to keep 50 out of trouble.
- The Beasties. They're getting old. What are they working on? They had that peacenik single last spring, but what else? I want the hiatus to be over.
- El-P. His record company, Definitive Jux is a gift to the world. El's producing some of the most talented guys out there -- Cannibal Ox, C. Rayz Walz, RJD2 -- and still putting out brilliant albums of his own. Has there been a recent hip-hop album better than El's Fantastic Damage? If so, El probably produced it himself. Which leads us to:
- Aesop Rock. New album, Bazooka Tooth, came out last month. Maybe he's not as innately skilled as his Def Jux cohorts, but he's still better than nearly everyone else you hear, althoguh he does sort of come across like the lost Beastie Boy...a little uncomfortable in his own skin.
- Bubba Sparxxx. Plays up his crackerdom more than Ted Nugent. Redneck rap was a genre waiting to happen, so it's good he came along. You can listen to all of his new album, Deliverance, over at BET (ironically), where they spell the name of the album wrong. Bubba would kick my ass for saying so, but even Timbaland's production can't save it.
- MC Paul Barman. Brown-educated Jewish intellectual potty-mouthed rap was another genre waiting to be born. Too clever for his own good, but it works, maybe because he's so filthy, and because he combines words in a way that you don't understand until 5 minutes after you hear it. New album came out a year ago, is somehow more foul-minded than his first.
i gotta agree with u jonboy. insane shane mckane is the shiznit! he puts "the game" 2 shame. he's kinda like kid rock but better...(kids new stuff is wimpy!). shane oughta team up with kid. but shane is funny as a mofo. his website cracks me up!!!
where did he ever come from and why ain't he mega big already?
Posted by: rot-wilder at March 26, 2005 9:26 PM
Bubba sparxxx raps like a gangsta, his production sounds urban! Y'all might think that he is a redneck rapper BUT thats because you've never heard REAL redneck rap. The sound is not here yet and I think insane shane mckane is the closest thing to it.
Posted by: johnboy at January 1, 2005 8:47 PM