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October 22, 2003


In the Cut reviews

We're excited about this movie, but critical response has been mixed: A.O. Scott in the NY Times describes Meg Ryan as being in a stupor, "both intriguing and maddeningly opaque", and accuses Jane Campion of "casual sexual stereotyping of nonwhite men" in both this movie and in The Piano. Salon's review suggests that the movie might be a little dopey and full of ham-handed symbolism. Oh well. Mark Ruffalo and his "whispery intensity and the narcotizing, hesitant rhythms of his speech" should more than make up for Meg's freakishly puffy upper lip and sedated acting style.

The Daily News features a point/counterpoint review from two critics: She thinks it's a complex, taut, sexy thriller about dread and insecurity, He thinks it's a pulpy pretentious potboiler.

categories: Movies
posted by amy at 10:13 AM | #


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