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October 21, 2003
The Politics of Late Night Talk Shows
According to an analysis by the Center for Media and Public Affairs, there's a discrepancy between the way Leno and Letterman have treated Schwarzenegger. Don't forget that Leno introduced Arnold at his victory rally:
According to an analysis by the Center for Media and Public Affairs, Leno made 18 jokes at Schwarzenegger's expense between Aug. 6 and Oct. 6. During the same time period, Letterman made 40 jokes about Schwarzenegger, the Washington-based think tank said. Leno made a total of 69 jokes about Schwarzenegger's political opponents, including Gray Davis, Cruz Bustamante and Arianna Huffington, while Letterman made only three.Here's a 2002 analysis of Leno's top 10 political joke targets from 1992-2002, also from the Center.