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October 4, 2003

Reasons for War Continue to Shift
It's almost sickening to hear the President say that the Iraq Survey Group's WMD report -- which shows no evidence of actual weapons -- proves that "Saddam Hussein was a danger to the world." Even Powell is spouting the party line: He's "even more convinced with the Kay report that we did the right thing." Because of the threat of WMD? Not necessarily. According to the NYT, the administration is now saying we invaded Iraq because of "accounts of torture and abuse."
This is yet another chapter in the scariest tactic of the administration: not just deny the truth, but tell a story that is in direct opposition to the truth. Although this became more noticeable after 9/11, it began long before that: pulling out of the Kyoto Accord and drilling in the ANWR will help the environment, the $300 taxpayer rebate will stimulate the economy, Iraq was an Al-Qaeda training ground, etc. The lies that come out of the administration are scary not just because they deny the truth of a given situation, but because they seem to deny the existence of any truth.
So what's next? Now W. is saying there's a connection between Iraq and North Korea.
Anyway, here's Dr. Kay's testimony and some pictures from his report.
Relatedly (via randomwalks):
War and Security
posted by adm at 12:33 PM | #