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October 6, 2003


Spike Lee, meet Lloyd Grove

Boy, Spike sure is ornery lately. Here he is getting mad at Lloyd Grove for asking him why he backed out of teaching a class at NYU minutes before its scheduled start:

Just because they're paying $29,540 a year in tuition, grad students at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts shouldn't expect prickly director Spike Lee to actually show up for scheduled classes. "I've been teaching for seven years, and I've never gone a semester without canceling classes," Lee said after he deep-sixed Thursday's "Master Series: Directing Strategies" minutes before the 2 p.m. start time. Lee declined to explain his absence. Instead he shouted into the phone: "Did you know that on Monday, I'm bringing the students on set to a MAJOR MOVIE PICTURE? So they'll be having class on set, not in some stuffy box? Did you know that?" Then he hung up.
So what 'major movie picture' was that, Spike? One of those commercials you conned SpikeTV into letting you direct?

categories: Celebrities
posted by adm at 1:40 PM | #


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