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November 5, 2003

24: Deus ex Crapina
Our favorite of 24's plot devices of convenience, the deus ex machina, started peeking around the set on last night's episode. We need to find the terrorists who might release a deadly virus into the population of LA? Let's just shoot a random small-time drug dealer in the leg and get information from him, like who the big supplier is, complete details about a suspiciously expensive shipment of cocaine moved over the border, and the name of the unwitting kid holding said shipment! Isn't this counter-terrorism stuff easy?
Speaking of which, why does Kiefer have a partner this season? We all know he works better alone, when there's no one to prevent him from going renegade and breaking the rules. Especially when that partner is some pissant Euroboy male model like Chase, you know he's just holding up the action.
The action. What action, right? Hey producers, could we get a little movement on the body count, please? Have I just gotten used to the formerly fast pace of this show, or is this season just dragging along? When the audience has time to question dubious plot points and bad dialogue, the whole show's appeal is damaged.
Here are some elements that might save this season:
- More people getting killed;
- More shots of badass Kiefer taking his shirt off and displaying his new tattoos;
- Swearing. Seriously, if Kiefer could just swear on this show, lines like "Get in the truck, Chase," "CTU has ruined every relationship I've ever had," and "Shut up, stupid!" would be greatly improved.