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November 30, 2003

God bless the New York Times
Every now and then, the Times comes out with an edition so full of interesting information, it's like getting 6 papers in one. People complain about how biased the paper is, or how arrogant, or how power-mad, but when it comes right down to it, it's just a better paper than all the other ones. So we haven't done this in a while, but here's a list of most of the interesting articles we could find in today's paper:
- Hollywood falls in love with epic 19th Century Period Pieces...again.
- Profile of Pulitzer-winning playwright Tony Kushner.
- The cost of politicians' incivility toward each other of Capitol Hill.
- Profile of China's 26-year-old female sex columnist, who writes for Sina.com.
- Story about how the EPA misled New Yorkers after 9/11.
- Second story on how 9/11 memorials may be overly complex.
- Article on hipsters interning for "ultra-cool" entities like Vice magazine and the Strokes, just so they can break into the scene.
- Profile on an artist whose canvas is the city's sewer caps.
- Article on latest trend in apartment buildings: computerized doormen.
- Long profile of the Pierre Hotel, outpost for the very rich.
- As part of an issue of the magazine dedicated entirely to design trends, Profile of the iPod, which is turning two.
- Story on the revival of voodoo in New Orleans.
- Profile of Dan Rather, who isn't ready to quit yet, even though he's 8 years older than Cronkite was when he retired.
- Profile of Missy Elliott, the theme of which is "how to be a pop star."
- Article about Syosset 11-year-old suspended for writing a novel based on the movie Halloween.
- Article on Scotland's efforts to reverse its baby bust.
- Elizabeth Bumiller piece on what happens when Presidents cry (as happened on Thanksgiving).
- Article on a variety of different spam messages/pop-ups that all tout the opportunity to work in your underwear, pajamas, or just be naked.