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November 20, 2003

The O.C. gets in shape
Good things are starting to happen to The O.C., a show that we have never been too hopeful about, particularly when the show lost all sense of tension at the start of the Fall season. Last night's episode finally used the pun I have been waiting all my life to hear: Ryan is from Chino. On Thanksgiving, Ryan goes back to Chino with Marissa, unbeknownst to her domineering drag-queen mother. When said d-q mother overhears Seth saying "Marissa went to Chino", and asks what he said, he repeats, "Marissa... has no chinos. She... she has no pants." The world fell over and died for Seth Cohen all over again.
Many other good points summed up by TWoP. Some advice for the writers: this show works when it's a sparkling, goofy comedy about rich people and their crazy lives in Newport Beach. It doesn't work when you remember that you're trying to make a serious statement about class in America, and you end up with dialogue like, "You've got a chance, little brother. You have to leave me behind." Can we please just restrict Ryan's screen time, and that of his unwashed friends from Chino, to making out with people, and let the other, funnier, rich characters do the talking?