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December 26, 2003

Krugman's New Year Resolutions +
Actually, they're not so much Paul Krugman's resolutions as they are a wish list of guidelines he hopes journalists will adhere to when covering the 2004 Presidential campaign. Among them are: don't talk about the candidates' clothes, actually analyze their policy proposals, and stop covering all the hissyfits and sulking, for example, Lieberman's hurt feelings over the Gore endorsement of Dean. He writes, "Folks, we're talking about war, peace and the future of U.S. democracy -- not about who takes whom to the prom."
Meanwhile, Bush's strategists are talking about framing the election as a "referendum" on the state of the country, rather than as a re-election campaign for Bush. They also plan to cast Dean, if he wins the nomination, as hot-headed, pissy and angry, qualities they predict Americans do not want in a President. Probably a good strategy, but it seems that the quality many voters value the most in a candidate is that they are not Bush. But either way, Dean might want to cut out some of the venom, and start cultivating a more approachable image. He already started by sending my parents a lovely Christmas card. -amy