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December 22, 2003

Life is so hard!
NYT has another article today about how Americans are acting younger longer. A while back, they had the famous "30 is the new 21" article which said nobody feels like they have to start doing adult things until they turn 30. Today, we get news on a related trend: "between 1970 and 2000, the most recent census, the percentage of 24- to 34-year-olds living with parents or grandparents increased by 50 percent." The Times throws in a few obligatory profiles of 30-year-old men who have just done that: e.g., an appellate court lawyer whose mom packs his lunch as he wakes up in a room filled with stuffed animals and trophies. Presumably, this trend will last until all of us in "transitional adulthood" regress even further into our youth, until we reach the emotional age of 14, at which time we will find our parents unbearably stupid and uncool, stomp away from a dinner table argument, and INSIST on moving in with our friends.
meta ps. Does anyone else get the feeling that the folks at nyt.com are purposely laying out their site with bloggers in mind? This story was placed prominently in the upper right hand corner, and it obviously appeals directly to a large swath of blogging world. This has happened many times before. Ok, NYT, I'll take the bait this time, but from now on, I'm going to go looking mostly for the stories that appeal to senior citizens, like the one about how old people hate it when their 30-year-old children move back in with them.