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December 4, 2003

Osbourne vs. Osbourne
Kelly Osbourne has publicly denounced her sister Aimee, saying that Aimee keeps criticizing the family for being so much in the public eye, yet she still reaps the rewards of all their work. Here's Aimee's statement about her family. (Aimee has been the subject of many a google search that led early readers to our site, so we'll continue the thread.) I disagree with Aimee's complaint that The Osbournes made her dad look like a clown, or made him a laughing stock. That show demonstrated both the comic genius and loveableness of Ozzy, and showed how difficult it can be to live with a bunch of self-involved spoiled camera-hogging teenagers. Ozzy will always have respect.
posted by amy at 11:41 AM | #
Ozzy, Sharon, Jack and Kelly are amazing and in no way did the show tarnish their images especially not Ozzy's! This may sound strange but Kelly Ozbourne is one of my role models i think she is amazing, the way she handles peoples comments on her weight and other stuff is so amazing and her role as Debra in the new show 'Life as we know it' Is so inspiring!! :) The whole family is great :) Also not meaning to sound harsh but alot of people barely know anything about Ammie and some dont even realise that they have another daughter!!!
Posted by: Laura at March 26, 2005 2:59 PM
Its not Sharon, Ozzy, Kelly and Jack's fault they have decided to make some money with their talent, and no way is ozzy a laughing stock, everyone i know in england think he's sound!
*Osbournes 4ever*
Posted by: *rach* at August 7, 2004 6:13 PM