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January 22, 2004

Celebrities watch Bush
Great Lloyd Grove column today, covering the Atlantic Monthly hosted State of the Union viewing party, attended by a surprising collection of celebrities and media types, including Walter Cronkite, Lauren Hutton, David Dinkins, Tina Brown, and Moby. Moby, in keeping with his pretentious though (I guess) admirable politically-vocal style (yes, I still react all out of proportion when he does stuff like this. Like remember when he put a Gore/Lieberman sticker on the podium at the VMA's three years ago? It...I just---ARGH he gets to me) placed a piece of tape over the V in LIVE while Bush was speaking. Yeah, so it said LI E. WOW Moby that is so powerful. Now make me another one of those confounded delicious un-turkey club sandwiches.
In more irritating celebrity news, Ashton Kutcher punks Katie Couric.
Celebrities, Media, NYC, Politics
posted by amy at 10:55 AM | #