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February 18, 2004

Lindsay Lohan on Letterman, Ages 6 and 17

One of our favorite teen stars, Lindsay Lohan (whom we loved in Freaky Friday), was on Letterman last night. It turns out she first appeared on the show when she was 6 years old, in the skit they do every October where kids show up in funny Halloween costumes. Her costume was "Things Found on the Floor of the D-Train." She says she remembers the "treat" Dave gave her as she walked on set was a garden hose that kept unravelling.
Here she is in 1992, and here she is last night.
She also talked about her feud with Hilary Duff, and said there was nothing to it. "That's so old," she told Dave. "You need to keep up."
Celebrities, TV
posted by adm at 4:38 AM | #