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February 23, 2004

Presidential health
Following up on Bush's dental records which we posted recently, the Guardian features a reflective piece on the health records of Bush and Kerry. We know that the taller candidate usually wins in presidential elections, but how would the public react to learn that Bush had a hemorrhoid removed at age 22? And what about Kerry's operation for prostate cancer a year ago? Some funny anecdotes in the article about JFK's pill popping and Winston Churchill's defiant indulgences ("I drink a bottle of brandy a day, smoke 10 cigars, and I'm 200% fit!") demonstrate that we don't mind if our leaders like to drink--but we're suckers for that "I stopped drinking through the grace of God" stuff.
If we really do value health and athleticism in our politicians, Kerry should make more use of those windsurfing photos, and remind everyone about Cheney's heart problems.