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February 12, 2004

The O.C.: best show on television
This week's Fox lineup of 24 on Tuesday followed by The O.C. on Wednesday brings me to one incontrovertible conclusion: The O.C. is the best thing on. I'll still watch 24, but even with Nina and whatever-technology-based worms that threaten to destroy the entire CTU computer network and that vial of glowing green virus and Chase's bastard child, I'm just not as entranced as I was during the other two seasons.
But The O.C. is a different story. That show just gets better and better. Even characters that are completely loathesome and horrible (like Oliver) are mitigated by occassional outbursts or deranged plot lines (like those compulsive spasming head-pounding "I'm so stupid! stupid! stupid!" tantrums, and pointing a gun at Marissa.) Marissa and Ryan are still the weakest elements, but if you restructure your mental framework of the show and turn it into The Seth Cohen and Peter Gallagher Hour of Funtime Laughs, it's a whole different story.
The best part of last night's episode, however, the moment that made me squirm with delight and know in my heart that The O.C. is the best thing on TV, was the scene with Luke and Mrs. Cooper talking in Marissa's room, and coming THIS CLOSE to making out. Next week I expect major payoff to that intergenerational twist.
Some viewers have expressed some concern about moving so quickly during the first season into such an unexpected and, frankly, nonsensical pairing. My friend and teen drama expert Shemrock assumes that sweeps has something to do with it, and notes, "I could see Luke and Mrs. Cooper hooking up in season 3, but I guess that they need to find some way to use Luke's character, as he is no longer punching anybody and the gay dad thing seems to have died down. My thinking is that they will hook up, Mrs. Cooper will realize that it was a bad idea and it will be their little secret for now, but it obviously will come out sooner or later. Like during May sweeps."
Well, I guess I can wait a little longer for this to bust open. As long as Marissa walks in on them at least once. And gets coerced into a threesome by her domineering hellion of a mother.
For more on the greatness of this show, see The Blueprint's top ten O.C. moments in 2003.