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February 8, 2004

Time Warner Center: Now Open to the Peasant Class

As has been widely reported, the stores there are mainly high-end and useless. If you are a guy and need, for example, a regular pair of pants, I think you have exactly two options: J. Crew and Armani Exchange, and the term "regular" may not even apply to the latter. Yes, there's a big ass Whole Foods Market, and yes, the Borders is pretty big, but who wants to shop at a book store where the average CD costs TWENTY DOLLARS?? Not me.
The problem with places like the TWC is that they are in direct opposition to the idea of cities. My friend Heather points out that putting everything together and inside one building takes away from economic diversity and street culture and somehow alters the basic experience of living in, and being a part of, a city. Even with high-end stores like these that I don't even care about, I feel like it takes something away from 5th Avenue and some of the other shopping districts in New York. As the TWC opened its doors the other day, the area around Columbus Circle was a mixed-up kind of neighborhood: to the south, there's some crappy little stores and some crappy big stores mingled in with dreary office buildings, lonely souvenir shops, tailor shops, delis, and diners; to the north, Central Park West begins asserting its polished identity. But now that the TWC is the new monolithic anchor of the area, it dominates the neighborhood's diverse character, and separates the CPW folks from their rag-tag neighbors south of the Circle. With TWC there, all those CPW-ites can get their shopping done inside, without ever needing to venture into the shabbier parts of the West 50s again.
However, in all this, there is one silver lining. The $1.8 billion project has given all New Yorkers something we desperately needed: A decent place to go to the bathroom in Midtown. They're on your left as you get off the second-floor escalator.
Anyway, like I said, the NYC photo blog Many Highways has this set of photos, which were culled from a ton of his other TWC photos. And here's pictures of famous people enjoying the mall, before they let in us common folk.