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April 30, 2004

Don't Forget the Little People
The New York Times reminds us that there are more elections coming up than the highly anticipated Bush/Kerry Smackdown. City Council Speaker Gifford Miller has made no secret of his plans to run for mayor in 2005. City Councilmember Eva Moskowitz is also thinking about a mayoral run in the future, and after 26 years State Senator Olga Mendez may lose her seat in the next election because she changed her party affiliation from Democrat to Republican.
The presidential race is sure to be dramatic, but there痴 a real danger in focusing attention on it to the exclusion of local elections. A new president isn稚 going to make much of a difference if city and state governments are filled with reactionary conservatives.
You can find comprehensive, nonpartisan information on upcoming local races at Project Vote Smart (some areas have less information than others, but there will be plenty by election time). And if you致e got the inclination, there痴 no better way to affect public policy than running for office yourself.