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July 21, 2004

Kiefer Gets Drunk and Strips

Kiefer Sutherland is our collective husband here at the Robot, and we are so proud of his latest drunken stunt: going into the Raetihi Cosmopolitan Club in New Zealand, where the Men of Steel male revue was performing, and taking the stage for his own performance. Apparently the Men of Steel DJs have fairly rigid standards in the music that accompanies the dancers, because Kiefer's arty and probably misguided request for "Stairway to Heaven" was rejected in favor of the more conventional "You Can Leave Your Hat On."
The article also references other occassions in which Kiefer has gotten naked lately, and reveals that he is a terrible pool player. Kiefer was in New Zealand filming a movie called River Queen.
[tx Em, and Newyorkish.]
posted by amy at 4:13 PM | #