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July 21, 2004

Robot-On-The-Spot: Brooklyn Target Opening

All of New York's hipsterati, including Amy's Robot, turned out last night for the star-studded opening of the long-awaited Brooklyn Target. Those living outside the city may not think this a newsworthy event, but when you have limited access to stores where one can buy a cute top, an economy sized box of cereal, and stylish trashcans all at one time (and for under $10 total) -- well, let's just say New Yorkers are pretty damn excited. We've already heard of people planning pre-shopping Target Brunches for this Sunday, when the store officially opens.
But on to the party! Besides luminaries from the 'bot, who was there?
- Isaac Mizrahi
- Chloe Sevigny (whose brother, Paul, was the dj)
- A presumably intoxicated Sandra Bernhardt [pic]
- Freaks from Coney Island
- and just to prove how high profile this event was:
Lizzie Grubman [pic]
I've already written in this space about my love for Target's advertising, and the efffective way the company delivers what their audience wants. Drinking beer from Brooklyn Brewery and eating nachos while shopping with our fellow New Yorkers (at a 10% discount, no less!) - well, it doesn't get much better than that.
That is, until the DSW opens across the mall.
Business, Celebrities, Culture, NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot
posted by Emily at 12:12 PM | #