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August 11, 2004

Kurt Cobain fictional biopic
MTV reports on the filming of Gus Van Sant's next movie, a Kurt Cobain quasi-fictionalized-biopic called Last Days. In it, a Cobain-like character feels enormous pressure, and consequently resigns himself to his own death, which he hastens along. Van Sant says of his central character, "He's like a Shakespearean Hamlet, reflecting on his personal ghosts and demons, and while I don't know what his were, I'm imagining what they might have been. It's pretty much his thing. He's alone."
The most obvious question about this movie is: who plays Kurt? Van Sant seems to have ignored my suggestion from over two years ago (in a post that actually suggests that people go see Star Wars. Sorry.) that Ewan McGregor is the only one who could pull this off, and has instead cast Michael Pitt. You know, Henry from Dawson's Creek, and the horny American kid in last year's The Dreamers. Pitt is now 23 years old, 4 years younger than Cobain was at the time of his death. The age difference won't necessarily be a problem, but I think his acting skills might. And the fact that he is not Ewan McGregor, who is still clearly the best choice for this role. However, there is an interesting coincidence in the choice of Pitt over McGregor: both actors are noted for their impressive displays in nude scenes in their respective movies, if you know what I mean. Many still photos of both are available online, if you want to be impressed for yourself.
Anyway. The movie will also feature our old friend Asia Argento as the girlfriend figure, though she doesn't "exactly" play Courtney Love.