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September 10, 2004

Anxiety Timeline
Now, I am a person who takes terrorism, and the threat of terrorism, very seriously. But it's frustrating, to say the least, when terror warnings keep getting pushed back like the release date of Alien vs. Predator. First, we needed to look out for terrorists this summer or during the conventions. Then it was going to be an attack to disrupt the November elections. Now Tom Ridge tells us that actually, the period to worry about is from the election through to the January inauguration. Or, you know, 'any time we conduct business as a democratic society.'
I mean, for Christ's sake, are these people trying to give me an aneurysm? We get it: there's always a threat. Having some kind of terror timeline doesn't help ordinary citizens become more prepared, it just extends the general anxiety we're all feeling every day.
How many times do I have to say this? For the love of God, Tom, just do your job instead of telling us about it constantly. Give us specific information if you've got it; otherwise shut the heck up.
War and Security
posted by Emily at 1:24 PM | #