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October 27, 2004

Ostrich Politics
Note: This post uses strong language.
After a few days of head-in-the sand tactics, Bush is finally addressing the "Oh, we’re not really missing a shitload of explosives in Iraq" issue in his usual thoughtful manner:
"Our military is now investigating a number of possible scenarios, including that the explosives may have been moved before our troops even arrived at the site," Mr. Bush told a Republican crowd in Lancaster, Pa. "This investigation is important and it's ongoing, and a political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander in chief."
Kerry is JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS? Are you FUCKING kidding me? Are you KIDDING me? How about the "possible scenario" that the U.N. had identified and tagged these weapons, and then you totally FUCKED UP and left them unguarded? How about the "possible scenario" that those are the same explosives that are killing American and Iraqi soldiers RIGHT NOW? How about me just being fucking sick of this American psychosis of handing weapons to people who want to kill us with them?
Who are these people? Do they think we’re morons? For christ's sake, George, even your BFF Prime Minister Allawi is accusing the U.S. of gross negligence in Iraq. And if you’re going to be all cavalierly "oh, we can’t remember where we left the explosives, but I’m sure they’re around here somewhere..." then maybe your team should stop using the "terrorists are smuggling weapons into U.S. cities to kill your family" line of reasoning. Because eventually, people will start making the connection about where those weapons are coming from.
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