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October 19, 2004

The Most Important November Event +
I know all you Amy's Robot readers are thinking "Election whatever. Where's our O.C. coverage, bitch?"
It's funny you should say that, because our staff is feeling the same way. Sure, we've been enjoying a couple of fall television offerings, but they just don't offer the delicious satisfaction of The O.C. Is John Edwards' floppy hair as cute as Ryan's? No way. When Bush makes up or misuses words, is it anywhere near as charming as when Seth Cohen does it intentionally? Definitely not. And to my knowledge, there has not been a single fistfight during this campaign that has ended with someone falling into a pool.
People, if you can just hang on for two more weeks, The O.C. second season premieres on November 4, at 8pm. (Remember to set recording devices appropriately; it is now on Thursday nights).
In the meantime, here is a little something to take the edge off:
Benjamin McKenzie has followed up his appearance at the Democratic Convention by speaking at college campuses in support of Kerry.
A handy guide to the language of The O.C., mostly Seth Cohenisms like "minty" and "ridonkulous".
The US Weekly spread of this season's 4 new characters, including Nicholas Gonzalez as Marissa's sexy shirtless gardener. (I know! I was also freaked out that this season would feature an actual person of color - but he's the gardener, so it's totally ok.) -Emily
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