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December 28, 2004

Supermodel tsunami
Faced with the horror of 44,000 people dead, millions more displaced and homeless, villages destroyed, survivors at risk of epidemics of disease, the shaky economies of poor nations blasted, and the fresh water supplies of many islands potentially ruined by salt water contamination, is there any way that our media can still work in a story featuring some pictures of a foxy girl in a hot little outfit?
Why yes! Yes there is.
ABOVE: Non-supermodel Sri Lankan women walk the catwalk of despair.
Health, International, Media, News
posted by amy at 12:40 PM | #
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The creepy thing is, that photo *was taken by* her boyfriend, the one who is missing. So, the news of his disappearance is included in the caption for a photo that he took.
Posted by: adm at December 28, 2004 1:16 PM