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January 18, 2005

Every "Top Ten Albums of 2004" List on the Planet
Our friend Greg has exhaustively compiled the Top Albums lists of pretty much every publication in the universe to bring you this Mega List. He even aggregated the data and assigned each album a score based on its standing on all the lists. Following that is his own personal Top 20 Albums list, and following that is the raw data from 60 American and international "top 10" lists. While we might not personally share all of Greg's views on this year's music (for example, I think the new Streets albums is a lot better than the first one, and Interpol and Swayzak would probably appear on my list), we really like his style. Here's Greg:
As some of you know, I like lists. And music. So here's what I foolishly spent 10 hours doing this weekend. First I compiled 60 end-of-the-year top-10 lists. These were culled from major (and some minor) music magazines, webzines and newspapers, mostly from the States and Europe (specifically, I included 23 American lists, 10 British, 8 German, 5 Italian, 2 Dutch, 2 French, 2 Spanish, 2 Swedish, 1 Australian, 1 Canadian, 1 Croatian, 1 Mexican, 1 Norwegian and 1 Polish.) These are included below, too, in case you're interested. Most were sourced from Acclaimed Music.
All in all, this represents a pretty good slice of all the music criticism out there. None of these lists were made by individual people (e.g. Christgau or blogsters); they were all tallied from editors/ publishers/ contributors polls conducted by each publication. Also, all had to be ranked lists (thus I didn't include AllMusic or Rolling Stone, though I did use them to settle ties.) Then I just awarded 1 point for each 10th place listing, 2 points for each 9th place listing, and so on up to 10 points for each 1st place listing.
So here's the final list. I'm not sure if it offers any surprises or not, but enjoy. Following the list, I offer you something even more valuable: my list of the year's best albums.
The Collated List (# of points in parentheses):
50. Razorlight – s/t (13)
49. Air – Talkie Walkie (13)
48. Comets on Fire – Blue Cathedral (14)
47. Blonde Redhead – Misery is a Butterfly (14)
46. Elvis Costello & The Imposters – The Delivery Man (15)
45. Daniel Darc – Crevecoeur (16)
44. Richmond Fontaine – Post to Wire (16)
43. Joanna Newsom – The Milk-Eyed Mender (16)
42. Dungen – Ta Det Lugnt (16)
41. A.C. Newman – The Slow Wonder (16)
40. The Futureheads – s/t (17)
39. Junior Boys – Last Exit (17)
38. Devendra Banhart – Nino Rojo (18)
37. Scissor Sisters – s/t (18)
36. Mastodon – Leviathan (18)
35. Drive-By Truckers – The Dirty South (18)
34. Sonic Youth – Sonic Nurse (20)
33. Snow Patrol – Final Straw (21)
32. Danger Mouse – The Grey Album (22)
31. Dizzee Rascal – Showtime (23)
30. Keane – Hopes & Fears (24)
29. Rilo Kiley – More Adventurous (25)
28. The Killers – Hot Fuss (27)
27. Bjork – Medulla (28)
26. !!! – Louden Up Now (28)
25. Animal Collective – Sung Tongs (29)
24. Phoenix – Alphabetical (33)
23. Coco Rosie – La maison de mon reve (39)
22. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow (47)
21. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands (48)
20. The Fiery Furnaces – Blueberry Boat (50)
19. Green Day – American Idiot (50)
18. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum (53)
17. Tom Waits – Real Gone (55)
16. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (55)
15. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus (68)
14. Madvillain – Madvillainy (74)
13. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill (75)
12. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News (75)
11. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes (77)
10. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry (79)
9. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose (81)
8. The Libertines – s/t (82)
7. Interpol – Antics (84)
6. The Arcade Fire – Funeral (110)
5. Wilco – A Ghost is Born (113)
4. Brian Wilson – Smile (115)
3. Kanye West – The College Dropout (123)
2. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free (133)
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t (336)
My List:
20. Van Hunt - s/t (Capitol)
Ok, not really a great album. This one made it solely on the strength of its opening track, "Dust", one of the year's sickest soul grooves. Download: "Dust"
19. Ted Leo + The Pharmacists - Shake the Sheets (Lookout)
Intelligent and completely expletive-free, you'd think it would be too wussy to rock, but the music's just so darn catchy and energetic. It could almost be what The Replacements would've sounded like if they hadn't been a bunch of drunks. DL: "Me and Mia"
18. Steve Earle - The Revolution Starts...Now (E-Squared)
If such a thing as punk rock still exists, it has less to do with Pete Doherty's helpless drug-addict histrionics than it has to do with Nashville outlaw Steve Earle's Stones-ed up country. It's raw, funny, preachy and pissed-off - everything that punk is supposed to be (seriously, what's more punk rock than a song that tries to get Condoleezza Rice in bed?) That said, I can't help but miss Steve's tales of wanderlust and heartache - because nobody ever did them better, not even his idol, the late great Townes Van Zandt. DL: "Rich Man's War"
17. Todd Snider - East Nashville Skyline (Oh Boy)
Speaking of Nashville rebels politickin', I don't know what's more ridiculous, Earle's "Fuck the FCC" or Snider's "Conservative Christian, Right-Wing Republican, Straight, White, American Males." Ok, so it's not as brilliant or as beautiful as a Kristofferson album, but since the Toffer hasn't put out a good album in about 3 and a half decades, this is probably as close as anyone is going to get. DL: "Incarcerated"
16. Prince - Musicology (NPG/Columbia)
Dear Prince, Eye just wanted 2 thank U and Jehovah 4 Ur new album. It means a lot 2 me. DL: "Call My Name"
15. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Greatest Palace Songs (Drag City)
A polarizing release in the indie community, no thanks to a typically inane review by one of Pitchfork's annoying snobs. It's true, this isn't the Oldham we're used to (spooky and outre), but the alleged 180-degree production transplant isn't nearly as radical as it was made out to be (some of the reviews would have you believe it sounds like a Garth Brooks album or something). For one, Bonnie albums were never nearly as skeletal as Palace albums, and for two, by Nashville standards, this is still a pretty sloppy record. Everyone figured it had to be a joke (because obviously no serious independent artist would ever embrace anything associated with the mainstream...unless of course it's an exercise in irony - then it's ok), but thank god, it's not. Besides being a lovely country album, it demonstrates just how versatile and durable Oldham's songwriting really is. DL: "Agnes, Queen of Sorrow"
14. The Magnetic Fields - i (Nonesuch)
Though not the equal of 69 Love Songs in quality, (and nowhere near it in quantity), a few of these tracks, like the closer "It's Only Time," are among the best Merritt has ever written. And he's written a few, you know. DL: "It's Only Time"
13. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus (Anti)
Critics always get boners for double albums, especially when they're as beautifully packaged as this one, and while it might be a bit overhyped, Cave's disarming sincerity is never less than astonishing. Name one person not named Leonard Cohen who can write lyrics like this: "Now the nightingale sings to you / And raises up the ante / I put one hand on your round ripe heart / And the other down your panties / Everything is falling, dear / Everything is wrong / It's just history repeating itself / And babe, you turn me on." Wow. (Wow, indeed. I think I have to go take a shower. -Amy) DL: "Babe, You Turn Me On"
12. Kylie Minogue - Body Language (Capitol)
More remarkable dance-pop from everyone's favorite Australian chanteuse. But especially mine. Soooo hot. DL: "Still Standing"
11. Richmond Fontaine - Post to Wire (El Cortez)
This isn't it, but there are enough moments on here (try "Barely Losing" or the title track) to suggest that this alt-country outfit from Portland might be capable of a masterpiece. I'll give them 3 years (cuz that's how long it took Wilco after Being There). DL: "Barely Losing"
10. Green Day - American Idiot (Reprise)
A pop-punk opera? I know, it sounds terrible, and most bands would've shat the bed with an idea like that, but somehow Billie Joe & co. made it work. It's actually not as highfalutin as it sounds. Their songs were always in the same key; this time they just did away with the spaces between some of the songs. And it's not really any more of a concept album about Bush's America than Dookie was a concept album about being a slacker. Well ok, so maybe it is. DL: "Wake Me Up When September Ends"
9. Elliott Smith - From a Basement on the Hill (Anti)
Requiescat in pace. DL: "Twilight"
8. Kanye West - The College Dropout (Roc-A-Fella)
"I ain't here to argue about his facial features / Or here to create atheists into believers / I'm just tryin to say the way school need teachers / The way Kathy Lee needed Regis / that's the way I need Jesus"
"Even though I went to college and dropped outta school quick / I always had a P.H.D...a pretty huge dick / Ladies tired of gettin ripped off by guys like this / And givin' head is like a whale that's usin' a toothpick / Well I'm in the club for a limited time / Act now and get some action for $free.99 / Later on I might charge for menage / Heard her man was the boss of the floss / but she still wanna toss me the draws / And it ain't gonna cost me because / She my caddy cause she grab my golf balls in the club"
With flows like that, is it any wonder Kanye was the hip-hop star of 2004? There are at least 5 or 6 legit hip-hop classics on this album. DL: "We Don't Care"
7. Mark Lanegan Band - Bubblegum (Beggars Banquet)
In a way, it's the year's most poetic album, with Lanegan singing about an impressive range of topics: being bombed, not being bombed but really wanting to be, being really bombed and not wanting to be, and trying to stop getting bombed so much - Just to name a few. But he carries it all off with such charm; nobody makes being bombed sound more sublime. PJ Harvey and Josh Homme guest. DL: "One Hundred Days"
6. Jill Scott - Beautifully Human: Words and Sounds, Vol. 2 (Hidden Beach/A Touch of Jazz)
Neo-soul record of the year, hands-down, and the best since Saadiq's "Instant Vintage." (Saadiq, btw, co-wrote and plays guitar on one track.) DL: "Golden"
5. The Finn Brothers - Everyone is Here (Nettwerk)
Adult alternative though it be, this is superior pop songwriting from a pair of true veterans. DL: "Won't Give In"
4. The Blue Nile - High (Sanctuary)
It's about time. That whole "get drunk, put on Hats and cry" routine was getting kinda old. DL: "I Would Never"
3. Brian Wilson - Smile (Nonesuch)
I mean, duh. What a gorgeous relic of the acid-frayed '60s. Makes me shiver. DL: "Cabin Essence"
2. Morrissey - You Are the Quarry (Attack)
Still funny, still mean, still miserable and still awkward, the Moz picks up right where he left off on Vauxhall and I...10 years and 3 albums ago. DL: "I Have Forgiven Jesus"
1. Drive-By Truckers - The Dirty South (New West)
To tell you the truth, this was a no-brainer for me. As I see it, no other band has a single songwriter, let alone three, to rival DBT's triple threat of Hood, Cooley and Isbell - all totally unique. Over the course of just 3 albums, they've created an out-and-out revisionist mythology of the deep American South, taking in its musical legacy, its muddled politics and complex history, its enchanting landscape, and, most importantly, the ordinary stories of its working class. This is narrative, in-character songwriting on par with the likes of America's other great storytellers and chroniclers - Newman, Springsteen, Waits, Zevon. No joke. And besides, even if none of that were true, they still rock harder than any other band out there. DL: "Carl Perkins' Cadillac"
And the most overrated:
1. Franz Ferdinand - s/t (Domino)
Can somebody please tell me what's so great about this fucking album? Seriously. Anybody. Please. (Oh my God, preach it, Greg. -Amy)
2. Devendra Banhart - Rejoicing in the Hands (Young God)
Hipsters love him...and he sings like Dave Matthews!
3. The Streets - A Grand Don't Come for Free (Vice/Atlantic)
Not bad, but doesn't reach the same heights that Original Pirate Material did. Skinner's as poignant and perceptive as ever, but the beats are kinda... lackluster. I dunno, maybe that's the point. Anyway, don't worry Mike, I'll still buy your next record.
4. Loretta Lynn - Van Lear Rose (Interscope)
Geez guys, this one wasn't even good in theory. Probably Jack-Off-White's worst idea since he decided to form a band without a bass player. Loretta, it's nice to have you back. Some of the songs are fantastic and it's a real testament to your talent that the intrusive production doesn't completely ruin the album.
The Individual Lists:
The Age (Australia)
10. Ricky Fante – Rewind
9. The Sand Pebbles – Ghost Transmissions
8. Young Heart Attack – Mouthful of Love
7. Ben Harper and the Blind Boys of Alabama – There Will Be a Light
6. Jolie Holland – Escondida
5. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
4. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
3. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
2. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
1. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
Eye Weekly (Canada)
10. Comets on Fire – Blue Cathedral
9. Junior Boys – Last Exit
8. Feist – Let It Die
7. Brian Wilson – Smile
6. Death from Above 1979 – You’re a Woman, I’m a Machine
5. Madvillain – Madvillainy
4. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
3. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
2. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
1. K-OS – Joyful Rebellion
Monitor (Croatia)
10. Bjork – Medulla
9. Tom Waits – Real Gone
8. Lostprophets – Start Something
7. The Libertines – s/t
6. Kanye West – The College Dropout
5. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
4. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
3. Neurosis – The Eye of Every Storm
2. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
1. Slipknot – Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses)
Les Inrockuptibles (France)
10. Bjork – Medulla
9. Coco Rosie – La Maison De Mon Reve
8. TTC – Batards Sensibles
7. Mylo – Destroy Rock & Roll
6. The Libertines – s/t
5. Daniel Darc – Creve Coeur
4. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
3. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
2. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
PopNews (France)
10. Tokyo/Overtones – s/t
9. Brian Wilson – Smile
8. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
7. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
6. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
5. Coco Rosie – La Maison De Mon Reve
4. Electrelane – The Power Out
3. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Daniel Darc - Crevecoeur
Eins Live (Germany)
10. Archive – Noise
9. Kasabian – s/t
8. Phoenix – Alphabetical
7. The Libertines – s/t
6. The Hives – Tyrannosaurus Hives
5. Interpol – Antics
4. Keane – Hopes and Fears
3. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
2. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
Intro (Germany)
10. Kelis – Tasty
9. Ada – Blondie
8. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
7. Kante – Zombi
6. Coco Rosie – La Maison De Mon Reve
5. Phoenix – Alphabetical
4. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
3. Interpol – Antics
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Jens Friebe – Vorher Nachher Bilder
Musikexpress (Germany)
10. Sophia – People Are Like Seasons
9. Interpol – Antics
8. Kante – Zombi
7. The Divine Comedy – Absent Friends
6. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
5. The Roots – The Tipping Point
4. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
3. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
2. The Libertines – s/t
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
Plattentests (Germany)
10. Die Fantastischen Vier Vie!
9. The Libertines – s/t
8. Interpol – Antics
7. The Killers – Hot Fuss
6. Kante – Zombi
5. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
4. Jimmy Eat World – Futures
3. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
Rolling Stone (Germany)
10. The Divine Comedy – Absent Friends
9. R.E.M. – Around the Sun
8. Rufus Wainwright – Want Two
7. Interpol – Antics
6. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
5. Bonnie “Prince” Billy – Greatest Palace Music
4. Elvis Costello & The Imposters – The Delivery Man
3. Brian Wilson – Smile
2. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
1. The Libertines – s/t
Spex (Germany)
10. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
9. Dizzee Rascal – Showtime
8. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
7. The Roots – The Tipping Point
6. Von Spar
5. Kanye West – The College Dropout
4. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
3. Phoenix – Alphabetical
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Interpol - Antics
Visions (Germany)
10. The Hives – Tyrannosaurus Hives
9. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
8. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
7. Secret Machines – Now Here is Nowhere
6. Interpol – Antics
5. Mando Diao – Bring 'Em In
4. Coheed and Cambria – In Keeping Secrets
3. Green Day – American Idiot
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Beatsteaks – Smack Smash
Zundfunk (Germany)
10. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
9. Kanye West – The College Dropout
8. Interpol – Antics
7. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
6. Nouvelle Vague – s/t
5. !!! – Louden Up Now
4. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
1. Coco Rosie – La Masion De Mon Reve
Blow Up (Italy)
10. Nista Nije Nista – Nee Niemals Nicht
9. David Thomas & 2 Pale Boys – 18 Monkeys on a Dead Man’s Chest
8. cLOUDEAD – Ten
7. Tom Waits – Real Gone
6. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
5. Brian Wilson – Smile
4. Liars – They Were Wrong, So We Drowned
3. !!! – Louden Up Now
2. Coco Rosie – La maison de mon reve
1. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
Il Mucchio Selvaggio (Italy)
10. Badly Drawn Boy – One Plus One is One
9. Massimo Zamboni – Sorella sconfitta
8. Nada – Tuto l’amore che mi manca
7. Tom Waits – Real Gone
6. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
5. Blonde Redhead – Misery is a Butterfly
4. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
3. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
2. Devendra Banhart – Nino Rojo
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
Musica (Italy)
10. Manu Chao – Siberie m’etait contee
9. Verdena – Il Suicidio del Samurai
8. Razorlight – s/t
7. Eminem – Encore
6. Bjork – Medulla
5. Nirvana – With the Lights Out
4. Keane – Hopes and Fears
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
1. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
Rockerilla (Italy)
10. Iron & Wine – Our Endless Numbered Days
9. Blonde Redhead – Misery is a Butterfly
8. Marianne Faithfull – Before the Poison
7. The Album Leaf – In a Safe Place
6. !!! – Louden Up Now
5. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
4. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
3. Bark Psychosis – Codename: Dustsucker
2. Swayzak – Loops from the Bergerie
1. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
Rumore (Italy)
10. Lars Horntveth – Pooka
9. Soulwax – Any Minute Now
8. Telefon Tel Aviv – Map of What is Effortless
7. Coco Rosie – La Maison De Mon Reve
6. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
5. The Libertines – s/t
4. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
3. Converge – You Fall Me
2. !!! – Louden Up Now
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
Pure Pop (Mexico)
10. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
9. Mission of Burma – OnoffON
8. Madvillain – Madvillainy
7. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
6. Air – Talkie Walkie
5. The Hives – Tyrannosaurus Hives
4. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
3. The Libertines – s/t
2. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
1. Brian Wilson - Smile
Heaven (Netherlands)
10. Jolie Holland – Escondida
9. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
8. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
7. Jon Dee Graham – The Great Battle
6. Bettie Serveert – Attagirl
5. Laura Veirs – Carbon Glacier
4. Lhasa – The Living Road
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. Drive-By Truckers – The Dirty South
1. Darrell Scott – Theatre of the Unheard
Oor (Netherlands)
10. Sufjan Stevens – Seven Swans
9. Dizzee Rascal – Showtime
8. The Libertines – s/t
7. Kanye West – The College Dropout
6. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
5. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
4. Tom Waits – Real Gone
3. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
2. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
Dagsavisen (Norway)
10. Phoenix – Alphabetical
9. Brian Wilson – Smile
8. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
7. Sonic Youth – Sonic Nurse
6. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
5. Motorpsycho – Presents the International Tussler Society
4. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
3. We – Smugglers
2. Kanye West – The College Dropout
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
Porcys (Poland)
10. Solex – The Laughing Stock of Indie Rock
9. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
8. Department of Eagles – The Whitey on the Moon
7. Go! Team – Thunder Lightning Strike
6. Les Savvy Fav – Inches
5. Fiery Furnaces – Blueberry Boat
4. Junior Boys – Last Exit
3. William Basinski – Disintegration Loops I-IV
2. Of Montreal – Satanic Panic in the Attic
1. Dungen – Ta Det Lugnt
Go-Mag (Spain)
10. Brian Wilson – Smile
9. De La Soul – The Grind Date
8. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
7. Madvillain – Madvillainy
6. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
5. Fennesz – Venice
4. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
1. Kanye West – The College Dropout
Rockdelux (Spain)
10. Kanye West – The College Dropout
9. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
8. Coco Rosie – La masion de mon reve
7. Brian Wilson – Smile
6. Dizzee Rascal – Showtime
5. Patti Smith – Trampin'
4. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
3. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
2. Devnedra Banhart – Nino Rojo
1. Tom Waits – Real Gone
Musikbyrån (Sweden)
10. Silverbullitt – Arc Light
9. Dizzee Rascal – Showtime
8. Kings of Convenience – Riot of an Empty Street
7. Jens Lekman – When I Said I Wanted to Be Your Dog
6. Jill Scott – Beautifully Human: Words and Sounds Vol. 2
5. The Polyphonic Spree – Together We're Heavy
4. The Soundtrack of Our Lives – Origin Vol. 1
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. Phoenix – Alphabetical
1. Kanye West – The College Dropout
Nöjesguiden (Sweden)
10. The Hidden Cameras – Mississauga Goddam
9. Ray Lamontagne – Trouble
8. Dizzee Rascal – Showtime
7. Kanye West – The College Dropout
6. The Divine Comedy – Absent Friends
5. Phoenix – Alphabetical
4. Ron Sexsmith – Retriever
3. R. Kelly – Happy People / U Saved Me
2. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
1. The Libertines – s/t
Americana (U.K.)
10. Quiet Loner – Secret Ruler of the World
9. Will Johnson – Vultures Await
8. Bonnie “Prince” Billy – Greatest Palace Music
7. American Music Club – Love Songs for Patriots
6. Justin Rutledge – No Never Alone
5. Drive-By Truckers – The Dirty South
4. Nels Andrews – Sunday Shoes
3. Tom Waits – Real Gone
2. Richmond Fontaine – Post to Wire
1. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
Drowned in Sound (U.K.)
10. The Scissor Sisters – s/t
9. Isis – Panopticon
8. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
7. The Dillinger Escape Plan – Miss Machine
6. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
5. The Futureheads – s/t
4. The Stills – Logic Will Break Your Heart
3. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
2. The Killers – Hot Fuss
1. Interpol - Antics
Kerrang (U.K.)
10. Jimmy Eat World – Futures
9. Slipknot – Vol. 3 (Subliminal Verses)
8. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
7. Lostprophets – Start Something
6. Biffy Clyro – Infinity Land
5. The Dillinger Escape Plan – Miss Machine
4. Clutch – Blast Tyrant
3. My Chemical Romance – Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
2. Green Day – American Idiot
1. Mastodon – Leviathan
Mojo (U.K.)
10. Patti Smith – Trampin'
9. Secret Machines – Now Here is Nowhere
8. Elvis Costello & The Imposters – The Delivery Man
7. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
6. Bjork – Medulla
5. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
4. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
3. Brian Wilson – Smile
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
NME (U.K.)
10. The Dears – No Cities Left
9. The Radio Dept. – Lesser Matters
8. Razorlight – s/t
7. Kanye West – The College Dropout
6. Dangermouse – The Grey Album
5. The Futureheads – s/t
4. Scissor Sisters – s/t
3. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
2. The Libertines – s/t
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
The Observer (U.K.)
10. Tom Waits – Real Gone
9. Kanye West – The College Dropout
8. The Earlies – These Were the Earlies
7. Tinariwen – Amassakoul
6. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
5. Scissor Sisters – s/t
4. Kings of Leon – Aha Shake Heartbreak
3. Youssou N’dour – Egypt
2. Dizzee Rascal – Showtime
1. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
Planet Sounds (U.K.)
10. Adem – Homesongs
9. Ben Kweller – On My Way
8. The Dears – No Cities Left
7. The Go! Team – Thunder Lightning Strike
6. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
5. The Dresden Dolls – s/t
4. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
3. Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
Playlouder (U.K.)
10. Scissor Sisters – s/t
9. Charlotte Hatherley – Grey Will Fade
8. Interpol – Antics
7. Tom Waits – Real Gone
6. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
5. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
4. Danger Mouse – The Grey Album
3. The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster – The Royal Society
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
Q (U.K.)
10. Interpol – Antics
9. Mylo – Destroy Rock & Roll
8. The Killers – Hot Fuss
7. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
6. The Libertines – s/t
5. Razorlight – s/t
4. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. Keane – Hopes and Fears
1. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
Uncut (U.K.)
10. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
9. American Music Club – Love Songs for Patriots
8. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
7. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
6. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
5. Bob Dylan – The Bootleg Series, Vol. 6
4. Richmond Fontaine – Post to Wire
3. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
2. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
1. Brian Wilson – Smile
Amazon (U.S.)
10. Iron & Wine – Our Endless Numbered Days
9. Kanye West – The College Dropout
8. Drive-By Truckers – The Dirty South
7. Brian Wilson – Smile
6. Interpol – Antics
5. Snow Patrol – Final Straw
4. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
3. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
2. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
1. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
Aversion (U.S.)
10. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
9. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
8. Iron & Wine – Our Endless Numbered Days
7. Interpol – Antics
6. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
5. Ted Leo + The Pharmacists – Shake the Sheets
4. The Libertines – s/t
3. Snow Patrol – Final Straw
2. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
Billboard (U.S.)
10. Keane – Hopes and Fears
9. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
8. Scissor Sisters – s/t
7. Tom Waits – Real Gone
6. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
5. Green Day – American Idiot
4. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
3. Brian Wilson – Smile
2. Kanye West – The College Dropout
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
Blender (U.S.)
10. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
9. Nellie McKay – Get Away from Me
8. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
7. Alicia Keys – The Diary of Alicia Keys
6. Morrissey – You Are the Quarry
5. Rilo Kiley – More Adventurous
4. Usher – Confessions
3. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
2. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
1. Kanye West – The College Dropout
CMJ (U.S.)
10. cLOUDDEAD – Ten
9. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
8. Liars – They Were Wrong, So We Drowned
7. Kanye West – The College Dropout
6. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
5. Joanna Newsom – The Milk-Eyed Mender
4. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
3. Mastodon – Leviathan
2. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
1. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
Cokemachineglow (U.S.)
10. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
9. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
8. Ghost Hypnotic – Underworld
7. Joanna Newsom – The Milk-Eyed Mender
6. Frog Eyes – The Folded Palm
5. Max Richter – The Blue Notebooks
4. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
3. Madvillain – Madvillainy
2. A.C. Newman – The Slow Wonder
1. Brian Wilson - Smile
E! Online (U.S.)
10. Interpol – Antics
9. Green Day – American Idiot
8. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
7. Sarah Harmer – All of Our Names
6. The Killers – Hot Fuss
5. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
4. Snow Patrol – Final Straw
3. Kanye West – The College Dropout
2. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
1. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
Filter (U.S.)
10. Razorlight – s/t
9. Madvillain – Madvillainy
8. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
7. M83 – Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts
6. Secret Machines – Now Here is Nowhere
5. The Killers – Hot Fuss
4. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
3. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
2. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
1. The Arcade Fire - Funeral
Free Williamsburg (U.S.)
10. Comets on Fire – Blue Cathedral
9. Squarepusher – Ultravisitor
8. Camera Obscura – Underachievers Please Try Harder
7. Danger Mouse – The Grey Album
6. Sufjan Stevens – Seven Swans
5. Dungen – Ta Det Lugnt
4. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
3. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
2. Fiery Furnaces – Blueberry Boat
1. David Cross - It’s Not Funny
Los Angeles Times (U.S.)
10. Tom Waits – Real Gone
9. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
8. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
7. Rilo Kiley – More Adventurous
6. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
5. Brian Wilson – Smile
4. Kanye West – The College Dropout
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. Green Day – American Idiot
1. P.J. Harvey – Uh Huh Her
Lost At Sea (U.S.)
10. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
9. Animal Collective – Sung Tongs
8. Blonde Redhead – Misery is a Butterfly
7. Xiu Xiu – Fabulous Muscles
6. Fiery Furances – Blueberry Boat
5. Sonic Youth – Sonic Nurse
4. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
3. Madvillain – Madvillainy
2. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
1. The Arcade Fire - Funeral
Magnet (U.S.)
10. Ambulance Ltd. – s/t
9. Black Keys – Rubber Factory
8. Mark Lanegan Band – Bubblegum
7. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
6. Guided by Voices – Half Smiles of the Decomposed
5. Comets on Fire – Blue Cathedral
4. A.C. Newman – The Slow Wonder
3. Comas – Conductor
2. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
1. Tom Waits – Real Gone
No Ripcord (U.S.)
10. Junior Boys – Last Exit
9. Madvillain – Madvillainy
8. Air – Talkie Walkie
7. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
6. The Futureheads – s/t
5. Animal Collective – Sung Tongs
4. Sonic Youth – Sonic Nurse
3. Interpol – Antics
2. The Walkmen – Bows & Arrows
1. The Arcade Fire - Funeral
Pitchfork (U.S.)
10. Joanna Newsom – The Milk-Eyed Mender
9. Ghostface – The Pretty Toney Album
8. The Go! Team – Thunder Lightning Strike
7. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
6. Madvillain – Madvillainy
5. Brian Wilson – Smile
4. The Fiery Furances – Blueberry Boat
3. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
2. Animal Collective – Sung Tongs
1. The Arcade Fire - Funeral
PopMatters (U.S.)
10. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
9. Madvillain – Madvillainy
8. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
7. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
6. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
5. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
4. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
3. Brian Wilson – Smile
2. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
1. Kanye West – The College Dropout
Prefix (U.S.)
10. Animal Collective – Sung Tongs
9. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
8. Bjork – Medulla
7. Brian Wilson – Smile
6. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
5. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
4. Nas – Street’s Disciple
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
1. Madvillain - Madvillainy
Spin (U.S.)
10. Brian Wilson – Smile
9. Interpol – Antics
8. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
7. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
6. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
5. Danger Mouse – The Grey Album
4. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News
3. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
2. Green Day – American Idiot
1. Kanye West – The College Dropout
Stylus (U.S.)
10. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
9. Xiu Xiu – Fabulous Muscles
8. Bark Psychosis - ////Codename: Dustsucker
7. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
6. Ghostface – The Pretty Toney Album
5. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free
4. Junior Boys – Last Exit
3. Nellie McKay – Get Away from Me
2. Madvillain – Madvillainy
1. The Fiery Furnaces – Blueberry Boat
Tiny Mix Tapes (U.S.)
10. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
9. The Walkmen – Bows & Arrows
8. Sonic Youth – Sonic Nurse
7. The Fiery Furnaces – Blueberry Boat
6. Joanna Newsom – The Milk-Eyed Mender
5. Madvillain – Madvillainy
4. Xiu Xiu – Fabulous Muscles
3. Brian Wilson – Smile
2. Animal Collective – Sung Tongs
1. The Arcade Fire - Funeral
Tracks (U.S.)
10. R.E.M. – Around the Sun
9. Elvis Costello & The Imposters – The Delivery Man
8. Norah Jones – Feels Like Home
7. Prince – Musicology
6. Bjork – Medulla
5. Steve Earle – The Revolution Starts Now
4. Rilo Kiley – More Adventurous
3. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
2. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
1. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Under the Radar (U.S.)
10. Ambulance Ltd. – s/t
9. Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands
8. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
7. Iron & Wine – Our Endless Numbered Days
6. Air – Talkie Walkie
5. Franz Ferdinand – s/t
4. Bjork – Medulla
3. Rilo Kiley – More Adventurous
2. Interpol – Antics
1. Elliott Smith – From a Basement on the Hill
USA Today (U.S.)
10. Usher – Confessions
9. Patty Griffin – The Impossible Dream
8. Elvis Costello & The Imposters – The Delivery Man
7. Prince – Musicology
6. Brian Wilson – Smile
5. Kanye West – The College Dropout
4. Green Day – American Idiot
3. Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
2. Alison Krauss & Union Station – Lonely Runs Both Ways
1. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Washington City Paper (U.S.)
10. Bjork – Medulla
9. Animal Collective – Sung Tongs
8. Blonde Redhead – Misery is a Butterfly
7. Califone – Heron King Blues
6. The Arcade Fire – Funeral
5. Comets on Fire – Blue Cathedral
4. International Airport – Reunion of Island Goose
3. Black Eyes – Cough
2. Fiery Furnaces – Blueberry Boat
1. Madvillain - Madvillainy
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What's so great about Bubblegum by Mark Lanegan? Everybody raves on about how it's his best album ever, but I think it's his second worst.
Posted by: Jed at January 19, 2005 2:02 AM
Wow, thanks for this! I've been reading the local urban newspaper's 'Top 10 albums' according to each of the regular journalists to see what I've missed in the last year... Some are on your compiled list, but there's a lot more I have to check out... :D
Posted by: Chris at January 19, 2005 3:03 AM
Hey this is awesome! Great idea to get a comprehensive list of all these lists. Top ten fanatics rejoice. Kudos!
Posted by: carobert at January 19, 2005 11:47 AM
What about The Datsuns - Outta Sight/Outta Mind or The Sun - Did Your Mother Tell You? (eventhough it is an ep)? Only one appearance (that I noticed) of The Black Keys - Rubber Factory? Not their best, but it still made my top 10.
Posted by: Rob at January 20, 2005 7:54 PM
Great lists. Thanks.
However I think you are approaching the Franz Ferdinand album with a narrow view. Yes, the critics have overrated it. But so what? Why be part of the backlash? It's still a good album.
Posted by: Matt at January 21, 2005 8:56 PM
Since you like lists, check out mine!
Posted by: Erik Friedman at February 7, 2005 12:57 PM
Most overlooked: Kings of Leon, Aha Shake Heartbreak. It's surely better (IMHO) than the Libertines' most recent, which received entirely too much praise.
Posted by: PW at March 12, 2005 9:32 PM
1. Bows and Arrows (The Walkmen)
2. Hot Fuss (The Killers)
3. Antics (Interpol)
4. Phantom Planet (Phantom Planet)
5. Now Here is Nowhere (The Secret Machines)
6. Free the Bees (The Bees)
7. The College Dropout (Kanye West)
8. Funeral (The Arcade Fire)
9. Shake the Sheets (Ted Leo & the Pharmacists)
10. Up All Night (Razorlight)
Posted by: Frank Egypt at May 19, 2005 9:28 AM
Good lists...
Green day is never worthy of being on any of those lists. Sure, they've progressed past the trite shit they released after Dookie, and may have just made it back to that level...but frankly, they're 'step up' from themselves, still doesn't compare to stuff bands like the walkmen have been pumping out.
Morrissey - there is no way it could make #2 on any list. Decent album, I like a few of the tracks sure...but nothing extremely special.
Posted by: VC at August 17, 2005 8:57 PM
» TopTop from Emptybottle : Coasters
Tracked on January 19, 2005 1:29 AM