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April 8, 2005

Bush loves the Pope, now that he's dead
Looks like Bush went a little overboard in his praise of John Paul II at the funeral today. He pretty much tripped all over himself to say what an amazing and holy leader he was:
"I think John Paul II will have a clear legacy of peace, compassion and a strong legacy of setting a clear moral tone," Bush told reporters on Air Force One as he flew from Rome to the United States just hours after the funeral. He said he wanted to amend his remarks to add the word "excellent."
"It was a strong legacy," the president said. "I wanted to make sure there was a proper adjective to the legacy he left behind, not just the word 'clear.'"
Then he goes off on some totally American-Protestant stuff about the living God that shows exactly how hokey evangelical types can be. As quoted in an AP article:
"Bush talked about his time in Rome in extraordinarily personal terms, saying it strengthened his own belief in a 'living God.'
He remarked on how affected he was by the services, particularly the music and the sight of the plain casket being carried out with the sun pouring down on it. As he viewed the pope's body, Bush said, he felt 'very much at peace' and 'much more in touch with his spirit.'
'I knew the ceremony today would be majestic but I didn't realize how moved I would be by the service itself,' the president said. 'Today's ceremony, I bet you, was a reaffirmation for millions. No doubt in my mind the Lord Christ was sent by the Almighty,' Bush said. 'No doubt.'
Bush said attending the funeral mass reminded him that faith is a long-term process, using a description of religious life common to evangelicals. 'Faith — it's a walk, not a moment, not a respite,' he said."
It's too little too late, Bush. And even the Pope himself would probably not be able to make any sense of your "no doubt" brand of religious faith. But I guess it's easy to praise the Pope after he's dead, and just ignore everything he said while he was alive. Like about what a bad idea it was to go into Iraq, and how the best way to change the world is through social and economic justice. Definitely easier to use his funeral as an excuse to talk more about your own creepy "faith."
Politics, Religion, War and Security
posted by amy at 1:00 PM | #
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