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April 27, 2005

Inside the Celebrity Mind
Ever wonder what goes on inside the celebrity mind? What the young, beautiful and famous are thinking as they go about their fabulous lives? Do they fear for the children of Africa? Are they worried about how best to use their Ivy League educations? Let's take a look in US Weekly to find out!
Why, here's Paris Hilton! Say, Paris, I hear Kimberly Stewart's replacing Nicole Richie on your awesome show!
OMG, no way! So then what happened?!
Paris, that is so interesting, but I just noticed Hilary Duff - hey, Hilary, what are you and your sister focusing on this week?
Me too! You should totally talk to Mischa Barton about that! Mischa, what have you been up to?
Yes, the celebrity mind. Not so much different from yours or mine, just with more dispensable cash.
posted by Emily at 8:27 PM | #
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