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April 26, 2005

The Increasing Cultural Irrelevance of Demi Moore
If you've ever doubted the validity of Family Feud as America's cultural barometer (a point I've made here before), I'd like to bring your attention to a Feud episode I happened to catch last week. Sandwiched among such headscratchers as "Name something, besides walking, that feet do" was a very curious question indeed:
Name a movie that Demi Moore has been in
Go ahead, I dare you. Click below for the top four answers.
1) Ghost
2) GI Jane
3) Charlie's Angels*
4) Striptease
Now, I wasn't holding out for A Few Good Men, but these answers really made a statement. To their credit, the Casas family did guess Indecent Proposal, but it was not on the board. One contestant, Darcy, actually scrunched up her face and said, hesistantly, "I think she was in St. Elmo's Fire?" Also not a top answer.
Oh, Demi. Even with a professionally engineered comeback campaign and extremely silky hair, you have officially stopped being an actress and become a professional celebrity. Now, if the question had been about your Red Bull habit, your equally irrelevant boyfriend or your potential pregnancy - well, I'm sure 100 Americans would have been all over that shit.
More on Moore: Fametracker's 2003 Fame Audit
* This was the answer, although technically Moore was in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
posted by Emily at 11:33 AM | #
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