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May 5, 2005

New York Businesses Defiant in the Face of Explosion
How are New Yorkers coping with the aftermath of this morning's "novelty grenade"* explosion on Third Avenue?
It's business as usual for our brave working men and women. Amy's Robot's Midtown East Correspondent sends in this memo she received when she was finally able to enter her office building:
As you are aware, xxx Third Avenue and [Company] is open for business. Please note the following:
Until determined otherwise all arrivals/departures need to go thru the 52nd street entrance of our building (between Lex and 3rd Avenue).
ID (building or DCI) is required.
There continues to be an on-going Police/FBI investigation in our immediate area which will include investigators searching the building's window surfaces for evidence. Please do not be alarmed if you see men on scaffolding outside your windows.
Please continue to check the NY emergency hotline for updates. We ask that you follow the instructions provided in these messages.
Pizza is being provided at 1p
* Seriously, doesn't this sound like something one would buy at Spencer Gifts?
Business, NYC, Politics, War and Security
posted by Emily at 1:04 PM | #
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