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May 9, 2005


The future of U.S.-European relations

Bush with European pals

Today's commemoration of the Allied victory of World War II in Red Square is a great opportunity to evaluate Bush's attempts to reconcile his foreign policy with the leaders of Europe. Things have been especially touchy with Putin, with recent Bush's remarks about Russia's democratic backsliding. Let's see how U.S.-Russia relations look! Reuters says the two leaders "hid their political strains as they smiled and chatted like old friends."

Well. Maybe there were smiles, but for Putin, there was also a good deal of grimacing...

Putin grimaces

... and bemused smirking.

Putin also smirk

Maybe Putin was still miffed about Bush calling his 1956 Volga a "Commie-mobile" after he drove it at a photo op on Sunday.

Putin and Bush in 1956 Volga

categories: International, Politics
posted by amy at 11:41 AM | #

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