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July 13, 2005

Headlines can be misleading
An AP headline from yesterday afternoon:
"Bush Calls for Jailed Reporter's Release"
Of course, he doesn't mean that reporter. He means an Iranian reporter: "President Bush called Tuesday for the release of an Iranian journalist jailed for writing articles linking government officials to murder. Akbar Ganji was sentenced to six years in jail in 2000 after his investigation of the murders of five dissidents by Intelligence Ministry agents. Ganji was convicted on charges that the articles he wrote violated the law.
White House press secretary Scott McClellan said in a statement that Ganji has been jailed for his political views and that Bush calls on Iran to release Ganji 'immediately and unconditionally.'
'Mr. Ganji, please know that as you stand for your own liberty, America stands with you.'"
But Judith Miller? She can rot. Rove? No comment.
Crime, Media, Politics
posted by amy at 11:13 AM | #
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