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August 22, 2005

Who's Older?™: 2005 Summer Tour Edition
In conjunction with Emily's quiz on current events below, we're demanding that you reach deep inside yourselves and push your pop culture minds to the limit. We know it's still summer and taking tests is painful, but remember the immortal words of Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse: Pain don't hurt. You can do it.
Today's Who's Older?™ examines two sensations of the music industry who have inspired slavish, fanatical devotion in their fans, and are currently touring the world, grinding their pelvises and humping mic stands/piano benches to the screams of adoring masses in stadiums everywhere.
We're talking about Vince Neil of Mötley Crüe and Tori Amos. These two stars have more in common than you might think: they both got their start in metal, though Tori's first band Y Kant Tori Read was less successful than the Too Fast For Love album. Vince Neil and his band are notorious for their love of drugs, whether it's a half-pound of cocaine or Jack Daniel's injected into their veins, and Tori was inspired to write "Father Lucifer" while tripping on peyote. Both were devastated by the loss of children (Vince's daughter Skylar died of cancer, Tori had a miscarriage that provided fodder for most of an album.) Both have written illuminating but sort of self-indulgent books about their careers and their demons (The Crüe's magnificent but probably made-up The Dirt, and Tori's Piece by Piece.) And they both like to perform covers live (The Crüe are doing "Anarchy in the UK" on this tour, and Tori recently did "Can't Get You Out of My Head" at a show in Melbourne when Kylie was diagnosed with breast cancer.)
But: they are not the same age.
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Music, Who's Older?
posted by amy at 11:06 PM | #
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