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November 7, 2005

Another one for the "Horse Already Out of the Barn" file
Bush Declares: "We Do Not Torture"
Cheney Fights for Detainee Policy
"In recent months, Cheney has been the force against adding safeguards to the Defense Department's rules on treatment of military prisoners...Cheney's camp says the United States does not torture captives, but believes the president needs nearly unfettered power to deal with terrorists to protect Americans. To preserve the president's flexibility, any measure that might impose constraints should be resisted."
Army Rangers Accused of Abusing Detainees
"Five U.S. members of an elite Army unit have been charged with kicking and punching detainees in Iraq, the military said Monday."
Bush orders staff to attend ethics training
Politics, War and Security
posted by amy at 3:24 PM | #
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