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November 9, 2005

Who'dat?™: We-don't-know-who-it-is-either edition +
Amy sent me this pic, but as I write this, I don't know who it is either. Leave a comment if you have a guess.
Here you go:
Usually you can click the picture to find out who the Who'dat™ is, but since I don't know who it is, we really can't do that right now. -ADM
OK, we'll tell you who it is. Once you've made your guess, click below to see who this is. -Amy
The celebrity in the photo is Toni Collette! Nice work, Kluv.
She seems to be going through that weird celebrity synthesis where everybody starts to look the same. This could be a picture of pretty much anyone: Madonna, Julia Roberts, Hillary Duff, Charlize Theron.
But it's Toni. Here she is when she still looked like a normal person.
Celebrities, Who'Dat?
posted by adm at 2:14 PM | #
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Yes, it is Toni Collette.
Maybe from In Her Shoes UK premiere.
Picture with caption: http://news.yahoo.com/photo/051107/482/lkw11511072049/print;_ylt=AgP6QJoTrFknx_xTyRmhnUvBaMYA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bXNtMmJ2BHNlYwNzc3M-
Posted by: cushie at November 10, 2005 10:53 AM
Is it Toni Collette? Hm.
Posted by: Kluv at November 10, 2005 8:51 AM