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December 12, 2005

Propaganda Machines
During Bush's speech today at the World Affairs Council in Philadelphia, he said that one of reasons our image is so negative these days is the "propaganda machine" in the Middle East that sends only negative messages about the war in Iraq.
After all, look at this week's elections! Happy Iraqi soldiers are dancing and playing the bagpipes after voting!
While it is wonderful that Iraqis are voting in their first full-term parliamentary election, I doubt that Bush really cares that much about how the Iraqi voters feel about the situation in their country. He cares about how Americans feel about him and his war. "I mean, their propaganda machine is pretty darn intense, so we're constantly sending out messages," he said today. "We're constantly trying to reassure people."
Let's look at what Bush's own propaganda machine as quoted by Reuters has to say about today's election in Iraq:
"I think the Iraqi elections are a big step for Bush, moving forward to bring closure to the Iraq process," said Republican strategist Scott Reed.
"There will be difficult challenges. But the election is a significant milestone for the future of a free Iraq," said White House spokeman Scott McClellan.
But how much do Americans care about Iraqis voting in yet another election?
Marina Ottaway at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace said the January and October Iraqi elections did not lead to a higher degree of approval for Bush and doubted these elections will do so either.
Reuters: "Euphoria over past elections has quickly evaporated in a cloud of violence. Experts said a decrease in Iraqi violence was more critical than elections in turning around American opinion."
Which pictures do you think Americans will remember more? Pictures of soldiers with purple index fingers, or pictures taken at a 9 year-old's funeral?
Politics, War and Security
posted by amy at 3:53 PM | #
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