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December 4, 2005

The best possible replacement for Dan Rather at CBS News must be Katie Couric
There was all kinds of buzz last week that Katie Couric is the most likely replacement for Dan Rather as the anchor of CBS News.
As a woman who has spent the vast majority every morning for the last umpteen years telling housewives what to buy and what celebrities to like, it's clear that she has exactly what it takes to restore credibility to CBS News.
If that's not enough (taken together with her numerous other career highlights, such as scoring interviews with JFK Jr., Mr and Mrs Jon Benet, and the Runaway Bride), also consider these two incidents that highlight her journalistic qualifications:
- "I just want you to know: I think Navy SEALS rock!" (as seen in Fahrenheit 9/11)
- At this year's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, she stuck to the script and offered no explanation as tape from last year's parade was aired after the M&M balloon crashed into a street lamp, hospitalizing two girls.
Celebrities, Media, TV
posted by adm at 3:47 PM | #
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