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January 16, 2006

Amy's Robot's dream comes true as Hilary Swank and George Clooney mingle at Golden Globes
This is wicked exciting. It was just last week that we nominated George Clooney to fill the position of Hilary Swank's new man. And guess what? Last night during the Golden Globes, THEY WERE TALKING TO EACH OTHER and loving it! A quick-fingered camera man caught the moment. Check out that hand-on-the-elbow action!
Please please please break up with rumored tongue-kissing partner Lucy Liu and go out with Hilary, George. You're the only one (besides Bill Clinton) who has the charisma and life energy required to be her soul mate.
Here's the entire two seconds of video NBC aired of the encounter.
posted by adm at 10:47 PM | #
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I want to believe.
Posted by: ari moore at January 17, 2006 8:57 AM
But then again, she apparently told someone during the E! red carpet thing that she's "not single" and is trying to work things out with her marriage.
Posted by: ADM at January 17, 2006 11:40 AM
That's what I would say too, if I were about to start dating George Clooney.
Posted by: cushie at January 17, 2006 11:49 AM
» great blog from great blog
Tracked on January 20, 2007 12:54 AM