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January 17, 2006

And the Golden Globe for Worst Red Carpet Interviewer Ever Goes To.....
When Joan and Melissa Rivers jumped the E! ship last year to provide their Red Carpet services to the TV Guide Channel, E! responded by replacing them with serious journalist Star Jones-Reynolds, an interviewer who would challenge celebrities with those hard-hitting questions that America wanted to hear. Unfortunately for E!, the Jones-Reynolds/Kathy Griffin team proved to be a terrible, terrible idea, and neither were invited back this year.
So how did E! set out to win viewers back to their coverage? They did the unthinkable and found someone even worse than Star Jones! While some correspondents who were clearly on drugs or taking payouts from the E! corporate offices found him charming, Isaac Mizrahi is undeniably the worst Red Carpet pre-show host in the history of time.
Besides committing the unforgivable Red Carpet sin - being boring - Mizrahi also wins a special commendation for successfully not asking a single interviewee a single question about the work for which they were nominated. Instead, he asked:
To Keira Knightley: "What did you eat today?"
To Marcia Cross: "What sign are you?"
To Queen Latifah: "Tell me about your underwear"
To Felicity Huffman: "Is that hair all yours?"
In fact, Mizrahi's red carpet presence was so appalling it made my viewing companion utter the unprecedented words: "Can we please watch Joan and Melissa?"
So congratulations, Isaac. I hope in the future E! keeps you in the Fashion Police chair where you belong.
Any ideas for future Red Carpet hosts?
posted by Emily at 4:22 PM | #
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Not to mention grabbing Scarlett Johansson's breasts and asking Eva Longoria about her pubic hair.
Posted by: Andy Baio at January 23, 2006 2:14 AM
Mizrahi to Charlize Theron: "Every movie in the last three years you look like a scary dyke with no teeth."
Posted by: cushie at January 17, 2006 9:59 PM