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January 11, 2006


In Defense of Chad Lowe

In response to Amy's post yesterday on potential new mates for Hillary Swank, I feel that someone needs to stand up for Chad Lowe. The man is a treasure - so sensitive! So supportive! The only man with the gentleness to capture the soul of John Denver. A man who weeps with pride when his wife wins an Oscar, even though she forgot to thank him in previous speeches!

Supportive Chad Lowe

Sure, such inequity in fame was bound to eventually come between them - but that doesn't mean that Chad Lowe wouldn't still make another recently single celebrity very, very happy. The question is - who?

Another 90210 alum?

Tori Spelling

Oh, sorry - already engaged again. How about another person with a more famous relative?

Ashlee Simpson

Or maybe another former teen star?

Christina Applegate

What about someone younger - maybe not such a serious actress, but someone who also spends a lot of time worrying about her body?

Nicole Richie

Or maybe Chad needs someone entirely different - someone with respected acting chops - someone tough, like Hillary, but gentle and soulful as well. Maybe someone like.....?

Jake Gyllenhaal

Any other suggestions?

categories: Celebrities
posted by Emily at 9:47 AM | #

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