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February 10, 2006

Fight! Fight! Fight! For Arrested Development
Tonight, Fox is airing the last four episodes of Arrested Development. Our campaign over at Save Arrested Development.com has been going strong since we launched it, but we're sending in the pledges that people signed on Monday, so please get over there and sign the pledge of your choice:
- I pledge to subscribe to whatever premium cable (like Showtime) saves Arrested Development.
- I pledge to watch Arrested Development on whatever basic cable or broadcast network saves the show, and to support the companies that advertise on the show.
If the pledges don't save the show, we're going to enlist Lebanese cartoon protesters to make our point for us.
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david bianculli is hosting Fresh Air today and is re-airing his interview with Mitchell Hurtwitz. Anyway, according to Bianculli's sources, Showtime wants to buy the show and make how ever many episodes it takes to get to a total of 100 in the series. This would make it eligible for syndication. But, also according to Bianculli's sources, Hurwitz himself is the only thing holding up the deal: he's happy with the way the third season wraps up and is exhausted by the show's creative process.
Posted by: ADM at February 10, 2006 3:40 PM
OK people, it's Lucha de Muchachos time. Let's fight for this show like we're the stars of "Boy Fights 2: Too Old to Breastfeed".
Posted by: Amy at February 10, 2006 2:48 PM