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February 12, 2006

The Return of William Hung to FOX
For the first of its final four episodes that aired Friday night, Arrested Development dug up former American Idol nano-celeb William Hung to lead the house band ("William Hung and his Hung Jury") for its show-within-a-show, Mock Trial with J. Reinhold (renamed at the last minute from the catchier Judge Reinhold). The show managed to squeeze three brief musical numbers into scene that was only about 90 seconds long, but apparently Hung is so bad, they didn't even let him sing the second song (a cover of "It Ain't Easy Being White, It Ain't Easy Being Brown", the famous duet featuring GOB and his puppet Franklin).
In any case here's the video:
Both videos are iPod-compatible.
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Posted by: Matthew Saunders at February 13, 2006 2:01 PM
the other thing that someone should point out is that the appearance of Detective Munch at Tobias' scrapbooking class means that Arrested Development is now part of that whole Law and Order/Homicide world that spans dozens of shows from I Love Lucy to St Elsewhere to The X-Files:
Posted by: ADM at February 13, 2006 2:21 PM
I wonder whether the show was trying to make some joke about its low status on the FOX totem pole by bringing all these washed-up former celebrities for their "celebrity" cameos? William Hung, Judge Reinhold. Justine Bateman. Earlier this season, they had Andy Richter, which is a little better, I guess. But they're all a step down from Henry Winkler and Ben Stiller, who they had in earlier seasons.
And really, how many Judge Reinhold movies can you name? And how many of those movies were made over 20 years ago? All of them, right?
He's been in a huge number of movies in recent years, but they're all like Beethoven's 4th.
Posted by: Amy at February 13, 2006 1:12 PM