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February 13, 2006


Science and Technology Awards

George Lucas wins National Medal in Technology

Today Bush awarded 15 National Medals of Science and Technology to some of the most revolutionary, innovative thinkers in our country. And George Lucas.

Bush said, "From Thomas Edison's light bulb to Robert Ledley's CAT scan machine, most of America's revolutionary inventions began with men and women with a vision to see beyond what is and the desire to pursue what might be," which in George Lucas' case apparently means seeing beyond your universally loved trilogy of movies and pursuing what might be the lamest, most disappointing climax possible to the cinematic mythology that defined our young generation.

Recipients contributed important work in genetics, found whole new fields of mathematics, created GPS technology, developed the semiconductors we use in pretty much all our consumer electronics, and greatly improved detection of HIV and Hepatitis C. And seriously thought that Hayden Christensen was a good choice to embody the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Way to go, George Lucas! At least you also made some decent video games.

categories: Movies, Science, Technology
posted by amy at 2:52 PM | #

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George Lucas has done a lot more for the film industry than just Star Wars and whining about the prequels doesn't change that. Just his foresight with computer animation and having founded Pixar would be enough to get him into film history alone, but then add in all the innovations that came with the Star Wars films and ILM (and that includes the prequels which featured the first fully CGI character integrated into live action and were amongst the earliest movies to be filmed in digital) and it staggers the mind what he's done to push the industry forward. So shut up with your fucking whining, douche-nozzle.

Posted by: Andre Richards at March 2, 2009 9:18 PM

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