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February 15, 2006


Politics, gay lounge singers, and Valentine's Day

A post-Valentine's Day quiz about the very special Valentine's Day social dinner held at the White House last night, which featured a short concert by Michael Feinstein including "Great Balls of Fire" and, of course, "Laura".

Michael Feinstein laughs at/with George Bush

Complete the following sentence:

Celebrated singer of American standards Michael Feinstein is laughing...

a) because our President trying to sing and dance really is that hilarious.

b) because he is a sycophantic suck-up who loves Republicans.

c) to show fellow guest Chuck Norris how enchanting and full of life he is.

d) to keep from crying, just like on M*A*S*H.

e) all the way to the bank.

categories: Celebrities, Music, Politics
posted by amy at 1:54 PM | #

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To me, it looks as if Dick Cheney bagged another victim.

Posted by: thoreau at February 15, 2006 4:38 PM

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