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April 1, 2006

New Game Show Hosts: Survey Says...
A while back, we were lamenting the sorry state of recent Family Feud hosts, and asked you to suggest a new one who could bring as much bleary, scotch-drinking, tongue-kissing charm to the show as the monumentally talented Richard Dawson.
But strangely, none of you suggested this guy:
Yes, John O'Hurley, formerly J. Peterman, fresh from dazzling America with his footwork on Dancing with the Stars, has been tapped as the Feud's fifth host.
While O'Hurley does have a certain insouciant charm, is he dangerous enough to make midwestern mothers giggle, and also be a little bit uncomfortable? We'll find out soon enough.
Celebrities, Culture, TV
posted by Emily at 6:42 PM | #
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That Wikipedia entry on J. Peterman includes this totally amazing detail: through some crazy chain of events, John O'Hurley now sits on the board of the J. Peterman company.
Posted by: Amy at April 3, 2006 12:41 PM