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April 10, 2006


Who's Older?™ Second Career Game Show Hosts

Earlier, we mentioned our - delight? confusion? befuddlement? - over the selection of John O'Hurley as the new host of television's Family Feud. Sure, he has the charm, but does he have that little bit of sleaziness to make middle America uncomfortable?

Well, if he doesn't, there's another actor turned game show host who's making middle America uncomfortable right now on Deal or No Deal. Is it the bald head? The serial killer smile? Whatever it is, later-day Howie Mandel is just creepy.

But frankly, that doesn't matter. We don't really care who's the better host. All we care about is - Who's Older?™

howie mandel serial killer
john ohurley snacking

[this quiz is disabled]

categories: Who's Older?
posted by Emily at 6:05 PM | #

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