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May 19, 2006

Do Not Anger the Gods of The O.C.
We haven't written here about The O.C. in some time, due to its increasing irrelevance to cultural life, but last night's season finale, "The Graduates," does require some comment.
Luckily, we were able to sneak into a secret production meeting toward the end of this season to bring you this secret transcript:
Mischa Barton: This show is so stupid. I'm a real actress. I want out of this contract.
O.C. Producers: Oh, awesome. Can you have your trailer packed up in ten minutes?
MB: Oh - well, I mean, maybe Marissa could just go work on a boat or something, and then I'd totally guest a couple of episodes if things don't work out.
O.C. Producers: Yeah, whatever. Say hi to Neve Campbell and Jessica Biel.
(exit MB)
Producer 1: Car crash?
Producer 2: Yeah. And let's give her a big fucking head wound too.
Interestingly, the AP piece on this was written by a Sandy Cohen.
Celebrities, Culture, TV
posted by Emily at 7:47 AM | #
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