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June 13, 2006

Prissy little NY Times loves the trashy movies
Even if they are too prim to call Kevin Aviance a drag queen in their coverage of this weekend's gay bashing and subsequent arrests, the New York Times is more than happy to promote today's DVD releases of some popular B-movies.
Cemetery Man is an Italian horror movie by Michele Soavi and stars a pre-Madonna Rupert Everett in what is probably his best role ever. Everett plays insane cemetery keeper Francesco Dellamorte Dellamore, who works at a cemetary where the corpses reanimate after seven days. Graveyard sex, zombies getting beaten with shovels, lots of good jokes--it's a "zombie-comedy-thriller-romantic-fantasy" that predates the zom-rom-com of Shaun of the Dead.
Also out today is a two-disc set of Valley of the Dolls ("comically lurid") and the far superior Roger Ebert-written Russ Meyer movie Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Lots of sex and drugs in the first movie (and starring roles for Patty Duke and Sharon Tate), but the totally unrelated sequel really has it all: orgies, beheadings, an all-girl rock band, drag kings, lesbian sex, murder, and loads of pill-fueled hallucinations. This movie was X-rated when it was released, back when an X-rating was still sort of novel and exciting.
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