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June 14, 2006

Who's Older?™: Actresses with arrest records
Today's edition of Who's Older?™ examines two actresses who have found themselves on the wrong side of the law, though in both cases for relatively dull civil disobedience arrests at organized protests. Yeah, sorry. I'm confident that Natasha Lyonne will provide some more salacious criminal activity before too long.
Daryl Hannah got arrested yesterday as she sat in a tree with other environmental activists to protest the planned development of a farm in South LA. "I'm very confident this is the morally right thing to do, to take a principled stand in solidarity with the farmers," Hannah told AP by cellphone before she was removed from the tree. Other famous people also joined in the cause, including Joan Baez, Danny Glover, Alicia Silverstone, Martin Sheen, and Willie Nelson, but none of them spent three weeks in that walnut tree like Daryl apparently did!
Back in 2002, Cynthia Nixon was arrested at a NYC City Hall "near-riot" where she was protesting cuts to the city's education budget. Just after her arrest, she talked about warning her young daughter, who attends city schools, that she might get in trouble for protesting. Nixon said, "My daughter herself brought up Martin Luther King, so she says she understands that sometimes you have to go to jail to make things better."
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Celebrities, Who's Older?
posted by amy at 3:58 PM | #
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