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June 30, 2006

The Measure of Progress in Iraq
In an article about how US soldiers are now being investigated for the rape and murder of a young woman and the murder of her family, we get this look at the bright side of things:
U.S. officials say killings of civilians by U.S. troops at checkpoints and on convoy duties have dropped sharply to about one a week now from one a day last year due to new efforts.
Great, after three years of war, we've finally figured out how to only kill one innocent person per week at checkpoints instead of 7! I predict we will soon be greeted as liberators any day now! I mean, why wouldn't we be? You can be damn sure our record on this front is better than say, Saddam's. And isn't that what matters?
War and Security
posted by adm at 1:06 PM | #
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